Marcie McCabe

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An Excellent YouTube Channel: School of Life

YouTube is my go-to across the social media platforms. I enjoy Youtube's massive bank of knowledge and the master and apprentice relationship that forms among millions. For me it has been wonderful  to come across videos of people sharing how they deal with the challenges in life whether it be a career change, how to deal with difficult people or how to think through difficult topics. I know for me personally it has helped me grow leaps and bounds. On particular channel that i admire is The School of Life. This channel focuses on philosophy, literature and topics on life, love and relationships is a constant source of inspiration ( and a great guide to expand your library with the classics). While philosophy and relationships seems like too broad a range of topics the channel's unique framework pulls it all together flawlessly. 

Here is how it happens:

School of Life covers difficult topics such as marriage, unrequited love, being single, depression, self esteem, famous authors such as Voltaire, Nietzsche, Virginia Wolfe and Arthur Schopenhauer and makes these expansive topics surprisingly digestible.  School of Life’s video style is rapid pace, and displays creative images that are relative and keeps your attention focused which is not what most people do when they talk about great thinkers. Most of the time philosophers are presented by academia with a dry presentation that elevates these authors to unreachable heights. The School of Life purposefully brings it down a notch. 

In the frames above you see the playlist title = "literature," the author ="Voltaire," and the first slide of an obviously photoshopped imaged of a young Voltaire.

The introduction soundtrack for most of the videos is a shaker sound which literally lighten and comical voice keeps the subject material approachable. Most of the videos are narrated by Alain de Botton whose English accent has a rather soothing tone yet (especially to the American psyche) has articulation. His voice alone is part of the brand. 

Another feature of the School of Life's unique power is the thorough number of videos and topics covered in it’s catalog. Over the spread of videos in the same consistent style the brand of education and information is solid and unmistakeable. For those who are interested in starting a Youtube channel, I would highly recommend setting up a structure and publishing schedule that would follow the School of Life’s wonderful lead in quality and engaging content. Watch 5-6 videos and get a feel for how this channel has branded their content. But I warn you now... it is quite addictive!