Marcie McCabe

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A Great Reminder for Designers

I have been on Instagram more these days for my Daily Logo Challenge and as I search through the news feed every once in a while I will come across something that makes me pause and think. Today, I am sharing a double feature. First, I love how creativity can be injected into different forums and lately I have seen this cool slideshow style on Instagram. There is a strong first image then a story line through the build up of a sequential images. Secondly, the message is a great one for designers. Jamey Gannon shared this sweet idea on her Instagram feed.

Why you hate your work? The thought of this is a provocative one for designers. While it seems we have this cool confidence about our work, often times behind the scenes, there is also a crippling imposters syndrome. I know I suffer from it. I cringe sometimes looking through my work. But, knowing that underneath this feeling is a sense of good taste can ease that a bit and help push the skill and work to the next level. I feel looking through this slideshow on Jamey’s instagram is a great reminder not to hate yourself or your work but to acknowledge underneath that icky feeling is a person who has style and impeccable taste! #selflove