Marcie McCabe

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What is Sensory Marketing? The Packaging School Video

This video reviews how the senses are important aspect of packaging design. I couldn’t agree more. The way a package feels when you pick it up is a huge indicator of it’s quality and taps into that old part of our brain (the lizard brain) that needs constant reassurance that we are making the right choices.

The focus on Sensory Marketing is to tap into the 5 senses and to trigger the YES button in our brain of should we buy this product?

One of my favorite brands that I believe does this well is Kettle Chips.

I love their bags flood of color, the sound of the crunch of their product and the feel of the bags. Here is a screen shot from their website.

The color grab this creates on shelf truly sets this brand apart from some of the more common brands on market. And this beautiful orange red truly evokes BBQ in every way.

One of the powerful things about food packaging is narrowing that gap in quality between all five senses and I believe Kettle Chips does this extremely well.