Marcie McCabe

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Illustrator Pro Tip: Blob Tool + Wacom Tablet for Quick Sketching

Quickly create with the Blob Tool

I love the Blob Tool. At first I was like yuck this is Adobe making their tools weird BUT using a Wacom tablet is the trick to the power of this tool. The blob tool is amazing for quickly hand drawing and getting shapes and ideas down on the artboard in a speedy manner.

The thing to understand with all Adobe products and their individual features is that the use of the blob tool is simply a quick framework, to make the image look awesome. In other words there might be a million ways to get to the end result and what matters the most is the end result — does it look good?! Using the blog tool alone is not good (in my opinion) but if you take the Smooth tool, Pen tool or Direct Select tool to take out extra points, refine the edges and make the overall image look more amazing. 

As you can see in the image above— the quick sketch has flaws. The bottom of the leaf has this weird disconnect, the top of the leaf has a doubling up look. Leaves are smooth and most of the time have some sharp pointy ends or rounded features. I used the direct select tool to inspect my quick sketch closer and to eliminate awkward points.

Try it yourself!!