Have, Need, Want Productivity

One of the things I’ve learned in my time as a designer is that it is really easy to listen to a client and get a sense of what they want. It much harder to actually deliver what it is a client needs as well as wants. I have found that the work or deliverables enter into a tweak (to death) phase that drifts from the original ideas which sometimes comes from a miscommunication. This sometimes is most of the “work” of design. It can be demoralizing and incredible frustrating for both client and the designer. So as a way to help this (sometimes painful) process, I have created some simple techniques with list making to help communicate or to help see the scope of a project. I call it the Have, Need, Want lists.


A way to combat this divide between what is needed and what is wanted is to simply frame marketing campaigns and projects in this way. I find by simply defining the difference between a need and a want a very powerful thought dynamic is created.

Another component is to evaluate what it is the client already has. Not all clients are the same and as a designer it is good vibes to honor what has already been done.

So without much more to say I have a couple of basic list making structures to share in excel documents.

have + need list.png

Download Have + Need List

This list structure helps you assess progress on a project. Listing out deliverables and assessing what has been done and what still needs to be done.

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Have - Need - Want List

These simple columns can help divide out different ideas and their nature. In the have column, you can assess where you are in the planning process or in the development of a brand strategy. Separating a “have” from a “need” can help with productivity. Placing things in a “want” column can help raise the stakes and help you and your client dream for more!

Hope this quick blog has helped. Please leave a comment below if you enjoyed these ideas!