PetSmart is an inspiring work environment

So for this being a blog, I feel that I have certainly fallen off the course of content creation with my blog and my life. This blog is meant to share design stuff, film stuff, and whatever else I feel like talking about.

so today… let’s talk about PetSmart.

I have a contract as a 3D + Packaging Production artist with PetSmart. While I cannot go into detail about my work (due to legal obligations), but I can say that PetSmart is a great company to work for. Not only am I on a great team in production, but I am also learning what it is like to work for a larger company, and to be responsible in a role on a major production that has a strong impact in the marketplace.

I have been experiencing a shift in how I perceive working for larger companies. Being an artist, I was surrounded by other artists in the Seattle community and there is a grudge in Seattle amongst artists towards the tech and Amazon culture that has taken over the city. Being influenced by negative mindsets towards corporate culture has its own damaging setbacks. I bought into the idea that corporations are evil and greedy and la dee da. And that mindset kept me from reaching for those higher-level jobs. 


Ink draw downs

This is a sample of what the production team at PetSmart is responsible for. We receive ink draw downs from printers and we use different techniques such as Pantone chips and other color targets to test if the printer is matching our color standards. I would say this printer did a great job at matching Pantone 5435 C - a gorgeous blue grey.

As I have been with PetSmart I realize that nothing could be further from the truth within this company. As it is I am surrounded by supportive, high-performing, inspiring, and lovely people who know that my success is their success is the company’s success and so forth and that feeling is incredible!!! I actually look forward to going to work, interacting with teammates and meeting my deadlines.

So that is an update of how I have been doing. I have been super busy and super satisfied at the end of each day feeling like I have put in a great effort and that kind of zaps the inspiration to create on my personal blog. So here I am posting for the first time in months. More to come!