What is Inktober? The Best Instagram Illustration Challenge with Daily Prompts

What is Inktober? Inktober is a month long artist and illustrator challenge that has a daily prompt list. The awesome power of this challenge is seeing how artist across the world interpret each subject.

It is also a great challenge to see the variety of artist styles, the use of ink and artist tools, color theory, and other fun imagining. If any of you are wondering how to do Inktober it is really a question of how much you want to commit and if you are ready for the dedication to creating something everyday.

First — Inktober is free. So check that off the list. Perhaps get some nice Micron pens at Blicks though. These ink pens are a high quality Japanese ink. Once you use them you will understand.

Second — you don’t have to have anything special — just an Instagram account, use the #inktober and follow the prompt list

Third - If you are new to the idea of showing your art to others, then this is a great way to get started. I feel the illustration community with Inktober is a full range of talent from beginner to professional artist. Don’t be intimidated.
